Soil management includes all the operations and practices that are followed for the purpose of modifying the characteristics of soil so as to create favorable growing conditions for the plant. In coffee growing tracts, the impacts of fluctuations in soil measures. Soil management practices can be broadly classified into 1)soil conservation measures 2) soil moisture conservation measures and 3) Drainage measures. moisture level need to be minimized using appropriate soil management

Soil Conversation Measures

Coffee is grown on hilly ranges coming under high rainfall regions. Soil erosion is therefore a serious problem in these area especially in new clearing and exposed area. To prevent soil erosion, contour planting and terracing are recommended.

Contour Planting

Contour planting can be adopted in areas with a slope of 10 to 20% (i.e., 10 to 20 m vertical drop for every 100 m length ). In contour planting, coffee plants in a given row of a slope are located at a same level. Contour planting is done in the following manner. A vertical line is drawn from top to this line points are marked by pegs at appropriate distances depending upon the degree of slope. Using a ‘ghat tracer’ adjusted to dead level, points are located perpendicular to the vertical line starting from the topmost peg. The points thus obtained are joined to form contour lines (rows)along which planning is done. A simple tool ‘A-frame’ can also be used instead of ghat tracer for marking the contour rows in a slope area. In contour planting though soil erosion is minimized, the efficiency of farm operations remain slow.


Permanent terracing must be maintained on a land with a slope of more than 20%. Terraces are generally formed by manual labor. The distance between the terraces is marked using a ‘ghat tracer’ as done in case of contour planting. Soil is loosened all along the marked contour lines (rows) and terraces are laid out by fortifying the sides of terraces with stones and boulders.

Care should be taken to prevent the subsoil coming to top. Terracing requires lot of manual labor and huge initial investment but has the advantage of better work turn out during farm operations.

Soil Moisture Conservation Measures

For conservation of soil moisture different cultivation practices such as digging, scuffling, mulching, trenches/pits are recommended in coffee plantations.


In new cleanings the field is given a thorough digging to a depth of 30 to 45 cm towards the end of monsoon (October-November). All the weeds are completely turned under and buried in soil and stumps of forest trees are removed. This operation is called ‘cover digging ‘ and is  practiced only during the initial  1 to 2 years after planning coffee. It helps suppress weed growth and conserve soil moisture in new clearings. Avoid digging on steep slopes as it may lead to severe soil erosion. Wherever surface root system is noticed in established plantations forking of soil is advocated.


when establishing a coffee field, scuffling or soil stirring towards the end of monsoon (October-November) helps control weed growth and also conserves soil moisture.


Covering the soil with dry leaves, weed slashing, cherry husk or any other organic wastes is called mulching. It is advisable to mulch the soil around the coffee plants after digging/scuffing operations. Mulching young coffee clearing helps maintain optimal soil temperature, conserve soil moisture, suppress weed growth and prevent soil erosion.