In a perennial plant such as coffee, consistent crop yield depends on the balance between vegetative and reproductive growth. Various external and internal factors influence the growth and performance of…
In a perennial plant such as coffee, consistent crop yield depends on the balance between vegetative and reproductive growth. Various external and internal factors influence the growth and performance of…
Weeds compete with coffee plants for water, light and mineral nutrients. If weeds are allowed to grow during late post-monsoon period, they use the soil moisture which coffee needs in…
Composting is a biological process that converts organic matter into stable humus like product under controlled conditions. Compost is the dark brown crumbly material that is produced when a collection…
Coffee being a perennial crop, the plant has the dual function of maturing the crop and producing fresh cropping wood frame work for the succeeding year simultaneously. In coffee cultivation,…
Coffee in South India is cultivated in high rainfall area. The leaching out or loss of calcium and magnesium present in the soil through runoff during heavy rain and continuous…
Soil management includes all the operations and practices that are followed for the purpose of modifying the characteristics of soil so as to create favorable growing conditions for the plant.…
Plant training, pruning and rejuvenation are essential maintenance operation in coffee plantations for achieving economic and potential yields. This is a labor intensive and skilled process which differs from place…
Coffee tracts in India receive both South-West and North-East monsoon rains from June to August and from October to December respectively. In some years the North-East monsoon tapers off by…
Coffee in India is grown in slope terrain in the hilly tracts under shade trees. Majority of the farm work has been carried out manually. For the effective maintenance of…
While selecting the land for coffee plantation, due consideration should be given ti altitude, aspect, rainfall pattern, soil type, land slope, existence of shade trees, temperature prevailing in the area,…